National Science
Foundation, Building II, Room 555, Arlington, Virginia
13-15, 2004
Program (speakers in bold) and
Poster Presentations (Rooms 525,535, 545 and 595)
8:00 Coffee
in Room 375
8:30 Welcome,
John Brighton, NSF
8:40 Conference Overview, Elizabeth Podlaha
8:45 Nanoscale Science and Engineering at NSF, Mike Roco
Moderator: Mark
Tuominen, U. Mass, and Gerald Selzer, NSF
9:00 Inteins as Nanoswitches for Biotechnology: Linking Molecular Modeling with Biophysical and Genetic Methods, (304055)
PIs: Georges Belfort, Saroj Nayak, Shekhar Garde, Marlene Belfort, Victoria Derbyshire; Rensselaer Polytech Institute
9:15 Nanoscale Arrays for Direct RNA Profiling in Single Calls and their Compartments, (304569)
PIs: Weihong Tan, Leonid L. Moroz, Steven A. Benner, Stephen J. Pearton, Harold G. Craighead; University of Florida
9:30 Spider Silk Proteins, (304494)
PIs: Randolph Lewis, C. Middaugh, Jeffery L. Yarger, Costas Karatzas; University of Wyoming;
9:45 Nanoscale Engineering of Bilaterally Acessible Biomembrane Mimics, (304062)
PIs: Mathias Loesche, John J. Kasianowicz, Jonah D. Erlebacher, Michael E. Paulaitis; Johns Hopkins University
10:00 Manipulation
of DNA-Protein Interactions at the Nano-Scale,
PIs: Ronald Larson, Mark A. Burns, Stella W. Pang; University of Michigan
Session B. Focus on Devices
Elizabeth Podlaha
10:35 Optical Interconnects for High Performance Processes; Architecture Circuits and Devices, (304574)
PIs: David Albonesi, Eby Friedman; University of Rochester
10:50 Spatially Ordered Self-Assembled Quantum Dot Gate Low Voltage/Power, High Speed Nanoscale Flash Memories, (304026)
PIs: Sanjee Banerjee, Leonard Register; University of Texas Austin
11:05 Nanofabricated All-Optical Computing, Switching, and Signal Processing Devices Based on Single Photon Tunneling, (304046)
PIs: Christopher Davis, Andrei Stanishevsky; University of MD-College Park
11:20 Molecular Sensing and Actuation by CMOS Nonvolatile Charges with Indpendently Addressed Nanoscale Circuits, (304483)
PIs: Edwin Kan, Douglas Kysar; Cornell University
11:35 Bottom Up Assembly of Metal and Semiconductor Nanowires: Fundamental Forces to Nanoelectric Circuits, (303976)
PIs: Darryl Velegol, Christine Keating; PA State U University Park
11:50 Enhancing the Sensitivity and Stability of Biosensors by Novel Nanostructures, (0304340)
PIs: Yiping Zhao, Guigen Zhang; University of Georgia
1:00 Nanotechnology and Public Outreach
Mitch Waldrop, OLPA, NSF
Moderator: Geoff Prentice, NSF
1:15 Science and Technology of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films for Multifunctional MEMS/NEMS Devices, (0304472)
PIs: Zhen Chen, Mark Hersam; University of Missouri Columbia
1:30 Magnetically Driven Assembly of Heterogeneous Nanosystems, (0304453)
PIs: Gennady Friedman, Nily Dan; Drexel University
1:45 Hierarchical Assembly of Interconnects for Molecular Electronics, (0303746)
PIs: Christopher Gorman, Daniel Feldheim; North Carolina State University
2:00 Heterogeneous Integration of Nanowires for Chemical Sensor Arrays, (0303981)
PIs: Thomas Mallouk, Stephane Evoy ; PA State U University Park
2:15 Nanomagnetism in Complex Magnetic Materials and Devices, (0303774)
PIs: Yuri Suzuki, Angelica Stacy, Jagadeesh Moodera; University of Cal Berkeley
2:30 Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling of Aligned Nanotube Arrays for Nanoscale Devices and Composites, (0304506)
PIs: Tsu-Wei Chou, Rodney Ruoff, Zhifeng Ren, Erik Thostenson; University of Delaware
C. Focus on Manufacturing
Moderator: Kevin Lyons, NSF
2:45 Functionalized Nanowires for Electromechanical and Optical Detection of Biomolecules with Ultrahigh Sensitivity and Specific, (0304209)
PIs: Roya Maboudian, Peidong Yang; University of California-Berkeley
3:00 Nanoscale Manufacturing - Nonlinear Nanocomposites for Magnetostrictive Actuators and Photonic Devices, (0304031)
PIs: Michael Becker, Desiderio Kovar; University of Texas Austin
3:15 Single Nanoparticle Devices, A New Technique for Bottom-Up Manufacturing, (0304211)
PIs: Stephen Campbell, Heiko Jacobs; University of Minnesota
3:50 Synthesis and Application of Magnetic Nano- and Nano-composite Particles, (0304649)
PIs: Ren Chen, Richard Axelbaum; Washington University
4:05 Reversible and Directional Self-Assembly of Bio-Molecular Templates for Nanotechnology Interconnects, (0303863)
PIs: Pierre Deymier, James Hoying; University of Arizona
4:20 Nano-pantography, (0303790)
PIs: Vincent Donnelly, Paul Ruchhoeft; University of Houston
4:35 Nano-composite Metal Oxides for Electronic Noses, (0304169)
PIs: Pelagia Gouma, Michael Dudley; SUNY Stony Brook
PIs: Ly James Lee, Derek Hansford; Ohio State University
5:05 Bio-Nano-Robotic Systems Using Viral Protein Nano Motors, (0303950)
PIs: Constantinos Mavroidis, Yarmush, Tomassone, Papadimitrakopoulos; Northeastern University
5:20 3D Nano-Manufacturing Processes for Nanophotonic Devices and Systems, (0304650)
PIs: Rafael Piestun, Wounjhang Park; University of Colorado-Boulder
Session D. Focus on Processing in the
Moderator: E. Barrera, NSF
5:35 Investigating Nano-carbon Particles in the Atmosphere: Formation and Transformation, (0304433)
PIs: Joanne Lighty, Angela Violi, Greg Voth, Ron Pugmire, Adel Sarofim;
University of Utah
5:50 Nanoscale Processes in the Environment: Atmospheric Nanoparticles, (0304213)
PIs: Scot Martin, Peter Buseck, Lynn Russell; Harvard University
6:05 Developing a Nanoscale Sensing Device for Measuring the Supply of Iron to Phytoplankton in Marine Systems (0304523)
PIs: M Wells, Karen Orcutt; University of Maine
6:20-6:45 Discussion: Gaps in Research and Education Portofolio
7:30 Conference Dinner:
Day 2: Tuesday, December 14, 2003
Poster Presentations (Rooms 525,535, 545 and 595)
8:00 am Coffee in Room 375
Session E. Focus on Structures and Phenomena
Moderator: JoAnn Lighty
8:15 Silicide Nanowires for Nanoelectronics, (0304682)
PIs: Peter Bennett, Jonathan Bird; Arizona State University
8:30 Semiconducting Nanowires: Novel Phenomenon and Nanoscale Sensors, (0304178)
PIs: Peter Eklund, Srinivas Tadigadapa; PA St U University Park
PIs: James Watkins, Michelle Schulberg; University of Massachusetts-Amherst
9:00 Structure of Nanocrystals, (0304391)
PIs: Simon J. L. Billinge, Valeri Petkov; Michigan State University
9:15 Complex Nanostructures of Dissimilar Elements: Synthesis, Assembly & Proximal Electrical and Optical Interactions, (0304531)
PIs: Dawn Bonnell, Stephane Evoy; University of Pennsylvania
9:30 Tough Nanocomposite Coatings using New Self-Organized Carbon Forms, (0304246)
PIs: William Curtin, Gregory Crawford; Brown University
9:45 Molecular Assembly for Hybrid Electronics, (0304122)
PIs: Dilip
Gersappe, Konstantin Likharev; SUNY
Stony Brook |
10:00 Dynamic Heterogeneity and the Behavior of Glass-Forming Materials at the Nanoscale, (0304640)
PIs: Sindee Simon, Ranko Richert; Texas Tech University
Moderator: Laverne Hess, NSF
10:35 Microwave Synthesis of Nanostructured Solids, (0304217)
PIs: William Conner, Scott Auerbach; University of Massachusetts-Amherst
10:50 Functionalizing Nanotubes for Novel Properties or Devices - an Integrated Theoretical and Experimental Approach, (0304019)
PIs: Nicola Marzari, Francesco Stellacci; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:05 Mechanical Behavior of Bulk Nanostructured Materials, (0304629)
PIs: Farghalli Mohamed, Daryl Chrzan, John William Morris, Jr.; University of California-Irvine
11:20 Nanofluidic Networks for Single-Molecule Protein Analysis, (0304318)
PIs: Don DeVoe, Benjamin Shapiro; U of MD College Park
11:35 Nanoscale Manipulation of Biological Entities using Magnetic Fluids and Fields, (0304128)
PIs: Patrick Doyle, Paul Matsudaira; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:50 Nanoengineered Responsive Polymer Surfaces for Micro/Nanofluidic Bioanalytical Systems, (0304568)
PIs: Qiao Lin, James Schneider; Carnegie Mellon University
1:00 Pursuing
of International Collaborations
Larry Weber, INT, NSF
Moderator: Glenn Schrader, NSF
1:15 NIRT on Wetting of Surfaces with Nano-Scale Structures, (0303916)
PIs: Peter Pershan, Thomas Russell; Harvard University
1:30 A New Class of Oxidation Catalysts:The Role of Atomically Dispersed Metals in Nanostructured Oxides, (0304515)
PIs: Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, Regina Valluzzi; Tufts University
1:45 Rationally Designed Nanosensing Substrates for Chemical and Biodetection, (0304097)
PIs: Naomi
Halas, Jeffrey Hartgerink; William Marsh
Rice University
2:00 Electronic Interactions in Hybrid Organic-Nanoparticle Materials, (0303829)
PIs: Elena Galoppini, Gerald Meyer, Piotr Piotrowiak; University of New Brunswick
2:15 Optical and Electronic Processes in Metal Nanoparticle-Conjugated Organic Materials, (0303973)
PIs: Theodore Goodson, Francesco Stellacci; University of Michigan
2:30 Nanostructured Carbons from Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Precursors: From Synthesis and Characterization to Devices, (0304508)
PIs: Tomasz Kowalewski, David Lambeth; Carnegie Mellon University
2:45 Novel Nanoengineered Chromophore Aggregates with Controlled Electronic and Optical Properties, (0303389)
PI: Shaul Mukamel; University of California-Irvine
3:00 Quantum-State Transfer Between Photons and Nanostructures, (0304678)
PIs: Dirk Bouwmeester, Pierre Petroff; Univeristy of California-Santa Barbara
Moderator: Michael Foster, NSF
3:35 Building Nanospintronic and Nanomagnetic Systems - Growth, Manipulation, and Characterization at the Atomic Scale, (0304314)
PIs: Arthur Smith, Nancy Sandler; Ohio University
3:50 Nano-Arrays of Large Bandgap Semiconductors for Light Emitting and Spintronic Devices, (0304224)
PIs: Henry Temkin, Latika Menon; Texas Tech University
Session F. Societal Implications of Nanotechnology
Moderator: William Frascella, NSF
4:05 From Laboratory to Society: Developing an Informed Approach to Nanoscale Science and Technology, (304448)
PIs: Davis Baird, Ann Johnson, Otavio Bueno, George Khushf and David Berube; University of South Carolina
4:20 Science and Commercialization NanoBank, Database and Analysis, (0304727)
PIs: Lynne Zucker, Roy Doumani, Michael Darby; University of California- LA
Session G. Focus on Modeling
Moderator: Lakis Mountziaris, NSF
4:35 Dynamical Response of Carbon Nanotubes - Modeling, Simulations and Experiments, (0303674)
PIs: Subrata Mukherjee, Tomas Arias; Cornell University
PIs: Donald Brenner, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli; North Carolina State University
5:05 Modeling And Simulation Framework At The Nanoscale. Application To Process Simulation, Nanodevices, And Nanostructured Composites (0303902)
PIs: Jacob Fish, Catalin Picu; Rensselaer Polytech Institute
5:20 NANOJETS - Formation, Characterization and Applications, (0304009)
Uzi Landman, Oliver Brand; Georgia Institute of Technology
5:35 NIRT: Nanoscale shape memory actuators and swimming bugs - theory, computing, and MBE synthesis (0304326)
PIs: Mitchell Luskin, Christopher Palmstrom; University of Minnesota
5:50-6:15 Discussion: Research and education priorities
7:30 Conference Dinner:
Nanoscale Centers and Networks Presentations
Poster Presentations (Rooms 525,535, 545 and 595)
8:00 Coffee
in Room 375
Session F.
Nanoscale Centers & Networks
8:30 NSEC: 2003 Integrated and Scalable Nanomanufacturing, (0327077)
University of California Los Angeles
PIs: Xiang Zhang
8:55 NSEC: 2003 Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems (0328162)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Placid Ferreira, I. Adesida, P. Kenis,
M. Shannon
9:20 NSEC: 2004 Center for Integrated Nanomechanical Systems (425914)
of California Berkeley
PI: Alex Zettl
9:45 NSEC: 2004 Center for High Rate Nanomanufacturing (425826)
Northeastern University
Ahmed Busnaina
10:30 NSEC: 2004 Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymer Biomedical Devices (CANPBD) (425626)
Ohio State University
PI: L. James Lee
10:55 NSEC: 2004 NSEC for Molecular Function at the Nano/Bio Interface (425780)
University of Pennsylvania
PI: Dawn Bonnell
11:20 NSEC: 2004 Center for Probing the Nanoscale (425897)
Stanford University
PI: Kathryn Moler
11:45 NSEC: 2004 Templated Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale (425880)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
PI: Paul Nealey
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (0335765)
PI: Sandip Tiwari, Cornell University
1:25 NCN:
The Network for Computational
Nanotechnology (0228390)
PI: Mark Lundstrom, Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University
DISCUSSION: Best Practices for
Center Management and EHS
Moderator: J. Yardley and V. Colvin
Panelists: S. Tiwari, C. Mirkin, B. Baird, Jorge Rocca, Robert Chung, George Thompson
4:00 PANEL
DISCUSSION: Interactions with Industry
Moderator: X. Zhang and R.W. Siegel
Panelists: Mark Lundstrom, Ralph Cavin (SRC), Martha Collins
(Air Products), Donald Anthony (CCR), Alice Till (Phrma)
Research, Educational, and Outreach Opportunities for NSECs
Moderator: Mark
Tuominen and Mike Roco
Panelists: W. Frascella, Jim Yardley, Bob Westervelt
5:30 End
of Conference