Conference Program (Speakers marked in BOLD)
Click on each project title to obtain a 3-page project overview (PDF file)
8:00 am Coffee in Room 375
8:30 am Introduction
8:30 am Welcome, Esin Gulari
8:35 am Conference overview, Mark Tuominen
8:40 am Nanoscale Science and Engineering at NSF, Mike Roco
8:50 am Protein Logic (pdf) (0103447)
PIs: Joseph Lyding, Paul Braun, Gregory Timp, Jeffrey Moore, Stephen Sligar
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
9:10 am Biologically Based Assemblies of Electronic Materials at the Nanoscale: Improving on Nature (pdf) (0103473)
PIs: Angela Belcher, Brian Korgel, Karen Browning
University of Texas Austin
9:30 am Protein Crystals: New Templates for the Construction of Nanostructured Solids (pdf) (0103174)
PIs: Vicki Colvin,1 George Phillips,2 Daniel Mittleman,1 Jack Johnson,3 Tianwei Lin3
1Rice University, 2University of Wisconsin, 3Scripps Institute
Address from the NSF Director
10:10 am Rita Colwell
10:20 am Application of Quantum Dots to Environmental and Cell Biology (pdf) (0102662)
PIs: Ian Kennedy, Kit Lam, Bruce Hammock, Subhash Risbud, Valerie Leppert
University of California Davis
10:40 am DNA-Based Nanomechanical Devices (pdf) (0103002)
PIs: Nadrian Seeman, Joey Storer, Erik Winfree, William Goddard, Nagarajan Vaidehi
New York University
11:00 am Creating Functional Nano-Environments by Controlled Self-Assembly (pdf) (0103516)
PIs: Matthew Tirrell, Alison Butler, Cyrus Safinya, Timothy Deming, Joseph Zasadzinski
University of California Santa Barbara
11:20 am Superhard Nanostructured Films (pdf) (0103169)
PIs: Steven Girshick. Peter McMurry, C. Barry Carter, Joachim Heberlein, William Gerberich
University of Minnesota
11:40 am Synthesis of and Structure-Function Relationships in Heterostructures of Quasi-2D Materials (pdf) (0103409)
PIs: David Johnson, Stephen Kevan, J. David Cohen
University of Oregon Eugene
and Poster Exhibition in Rooms 370, 380 and 390
(Introduction: Mike Roco)
12:50 pm Welcome from the OSTP
Richard Russell, Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
(Moderator: Mark Tuominen)
1:00 pm NanoTurf and NanoPebbles: Toward Zero Flow Friction Surfaces (pdf) (0103562)
PIs: Chang-Jin Kim, Fred Wudl, Chih-Ming Ho, Robin L. Garrell
University of California Los Angeles
1:20 pm Control of Nanostructures via Metal-Carbon Interactions over Multiple Length Scale via Metal and Metal Carbide Nanojunctions and Nanowelds (pdf) (0103585)
PIs: Henry Foley, A. W. Castleman, Peter Eklund, Vincent Crespi, M. Albert Vannice
Pennsylvania State University
1:40 pm Copolymer Templates: A Self-Assembling Route to High-Density Arrays of Functional Nanostructures (pdf) (0103024)
PIs: Mark Tuominen, Thomas Russell, Jacques Penelle, Vicent Rotello, and Thomas McCarthy
University of Massachusetts Amherst
2:00 pm An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Growth of Nanoporous Materials (pdf) (0103010)
PIs: Peter Monson, Raul Lobo, Scott Auerbach, Dionisios Vlachos, Michael Tsapatsis
University of Massachusetts Amherst
2:20 pm Nanoscale Metalic Photonic Crystals; Fabrication, Physical Properties, and Applications (pdf) (0102964)
PIs: Alexei Efros, Jing Shi, Steven Blair, Matthew DeLong, Zeev Valy Vardeny
University of Utah
2:40 pm Dendrimer-Stabilized Nanoparticles for Next-Generation Catalysts (pdf) (0103135)
PIs: Harry Ploehn, Catherine Murphy, Michael Amiridis
University of South Carolina Columbia
3:00 pm Artificial Molecular Machines and Devices (pdf) (0103559)
PIs: Fraser Stoddart, Gang Chen, James Heath, Chih-Ming Ho, Jeffrey Zink
University of California Los Angeles
3:40 pm Self-Aligned and Self-Limited Quantum Dot Nanoswitches (pdf) (0103248)
PIs: Paul Berger, Roger Lake, Patrick Fay, Gregory Snider, Ilesanmi Adesida
Ohio State University
4:00 pm Zeolitic Materials for Nanoscale Electronics and Quantum Computation (pdf) (0103034)
PIs: Victoria Soghomonian, Bruce McCord, Sergio Ulloa, Jean Heremans, Nicholas Bonesteel
Ohio University
4:20 pm Nanostructured Optoelectronic Materials: New Concepts in Theoretical Design, Synthesis, and Processing (pdf) (0103009)
PIs: Larry Dalton, Alex Jen, Bruce Robinson, William Steier
University of Washington
4:40 pm Semiconductor Nanowires: Building Blocks for Nanoscale Electronics (pdf) (0103068)
PIs: Joan Redwing, Ari Mizel, Theresa Mayer, Suzanne Mohney
Pennsylvania State University
5:00 pm Molecular Nanomagnets: Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Novel Magnetic Nanostructures and Nanostructured Materials (pdf) (0103455)
PIs: Donald Naugle, Kim Dunbar, Glenn Agnolet, F. Albert Cotton, Valery Pokrovsky
Texas A&M University
5:20 pm Spin Transport and Dynamics in Nanoscale Hybrid-Structures (pdf) (0103302)
PIs: Jia Lu,1 Shan Wang,2 Robert O'Handley,3 Jagadeesh Moodera3
1University of California Irvine, 2Stanford University, 3MIT
5:40 pm Discussion - New Opportunities (Moderator: Lance Haworth)
7:00 pm Group Dinner
8:00 am Coffee in Room 375
8:30 am Artificially Engineered Nanoscale Ferroelectrics (pdf) (0103354)
PIs: Darrell Schlom, Karin Rabe, Xiaoqing Pan, Venkatraman Gopalan, Susan Trolier-McKinstry
Pennsylvania State University
8:50 am Introducing the posters
Mark Lundstrom
9:00 am Dynamics of Structure and Charge at the Molecular Scale (pdf) (0102950)
PIs: Michael Fuhrer. Lawrence Sita, Ellen Williams, Christopher Lobb, Igor Lyubinetsky
University of Maryland College Park
9:20 am Single-Molecule Electrical Transport: Collaborative Nanoscale Research Bridging Chemistry & Physics (pdf) (0103552)
PIs: Michael Roukes, James Hone, Alan Johnson, Nathan Lewis, Jacqueline Barton
California Institute of Technology
9:40 am Single Molecule Functional Nanostructures (pdf) (0102459)
PIs: Virgil Percec, Karen Winey, Paul Heiney, Randall Kamien, William DeGrado
University of Pennsylvania
10:00 am Quantum Effects in Single Molecule Magnets (pdf) (0103290)
PIs: Andrew Kent, Nar Dalal, Stephen Hill, George Christou, David Hendrickson
New York University
10:40 am Nanoscale Molecular Opto-Electronics (pdf) (0103175)
PIs: Stuart Lindsay, Gari Harris, Otto Sankey, J. Devens Gust, Michael Kozicki
Arizona State University
11:00 am Phonon Transport in Nanostructures with Application to Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Transistors (pdf) (0103082)
PIs: Mehdi Asheghi, Myung Jhon, Gary Fedder, Cristina Amon, Ghavam Shahidi, Jayathi Murthy
Carnegie Mellon University
11:20 am Molecular Brushes as Components for Nanomechanical Devices (pdf) (0103307)
PIs: Sergei Sheiko, Michael Rubinstein, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
11: 40 am On-Chip Molecular Scale Patterning and Assemblies (pdf) (0103297)
PIs: Christopher Ober, Edwin Thomas, Nitash Balsara, Ulrich Wiesner, Geoffrey Coates
Cornell University
and Poster Exhibition in Rooms 370, 380 and 390
12:50 pm Presenting Nanotechnology Research Results to the Media
Curt Suplee, Director, NSF Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA)
(Moderator: Mark Lundstrom)
1:00 pm Novel Energy Conversion Devices Based on Nanowire Heterostructures (pdf) (0103609)
PIs: Arunava Majumdar, Peidong Yang, Timothy Sands
University of California Berkeley
1:20 pm Integration of Carbon Nanotubes, Magnetic Nanocrystals, and Silicon Microstructures for Ultra-High-Resolution Magnetic Force Microscopy (pdf) (0103548)
PIs: Kathryn Moler, Hongjie Dai, Thomas Kenny, Moungi Bawendi
Stanford University
1:40 pm Photonic Crystal Laser Technology Based on Nanostructured Active Material (pdf) (0103134)
PIs: Dennis Deppe, Ray Chen, Axel Scherer, Kerry Vahala, C. Grant Willson
University of Texas Austin
2:00 pm Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanostructures and Related Enabling Technologies (pdf) (0103587)
PIs: Weili Luo,1 Kevin Belfield,1 Aniket Bhattacharya,1 David Tomanek,2 Zeev Rosenzweig3
1University of Central Florida, 2Michigan State University, 3University of New Orleans
2:20 pm Engineered Nanoparticle Electronic and Photonic Device Materials (pdf) (0103543)
PIs: Harry Atwater, Richard Flagan
California Institute of Technology
2:40 pm Nanoscale Single-Electron Switching Arrays for Self-Evolving Neuromorphic Networks (pdf) (0103059)
PIs: Konstantin Likharev, Andreas Mayr, Michael Bender
SUNY Stony Brook
3:20 pm Nanoscale Processes in the Environment: Nanobiogeochemistry of Microbe/Mineral Interactions (pdf) (0103053)
PIs: Michael Hochella, Susan Eriksson, Madeline Schreiber, Christopher Tadanier
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
3:40 pm Size-structure-reactivity relationships in nanoparticles relevant in natural systems (pdf) (0123967)
PIs: Jillian Banfield, Alexandra Navrotsky, Moira Ridley, Peter Cummings, Mike Machesky
University of California Berkeley
4:00 pm Coherence and Correlation in Electronic Nanostructures (pdf) (0103003)
PIs: Harold Baranger, Weitao Yang, Shailesh Chandrasekharan
Duke University
4:20 pm Design of Nanoporous Molecular Square Catalysts using Multiscale Modeling (pdf) (0102612)
PIs: Randall Snurr, Joseph Hupp, Donald Ellis, SonBinh Nguyen, Linda Broadbelt
Northwestern University
4:40 pm Multiscale Simulation of the Synthesis, Assembly and Properties of Nanostructured Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials (pdf) (0103399)
PIs: Peter Cummings, Clare McCabe, John Kieffer, Sharon Glotzer, Matthew Neurock
University of Tennesee Knoxville
5:00 pm The Evolution and Self-Assembly of Quantum Dots (pdf) (0102794)
PIs: Peter Voorhees, Mark Asta, Stephen Davis, Michael Miksis, Alexander Golovin
Northwestern University
5:20 pm Mechanism-Based Modeling and Simulation in Nanomechanics (pdf) (0103257)
PIs: Guanshui Xu, Huajian Gao, William Nix, Yonggang Huang
University of California Riverside
5:40 pm Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Adhesion, Nanotribology and Nanofluidics (pdf) (0103408)
PIs: Mark Robbins, Shiyi Chen, Noam Bernstein, Judith Harrison, Jean-Francois Molinari
Johns Hopkins University
6:00 pm Discussion - New Opportunities (Moderator: Leon Esterowitz)
7:30 pm Group Dinner
7:30 am Coffee in Room 375
(Moderator: Ulrich Strom)
8:00 am NSEC for Columbia Center for Electronic Transport in Molecular Nanostructures (pdf)
PI: James Yardley
Columbia University
8:30 am NSEC for Nanoscale Systems in Information Technologies (pdf)
PI: Robert Buhrman
Cornell University
9:00 am NSEC for Science of Nanoscale Systems and their Device Applications (pdf)
PI: Robert Westervelt
Harvard University
9:30 am NSEC for Integrated Nanopatterning and Detection Technologies (pdf)
Presenter: James Hupp (PI: Chad Mirkin)
Northwestern University
(Moderator: Soo-siang Lim)
10:30 am NSEC for Directed Assembly of Nanostructures (pdf)
PI: Richard Siegel
Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute
11:00 am NSEC for Center for Nanoscience in Biological and Environmental Engineering (pdf)
PI: Vicki Colvin
Rice University
11:30 am STC on Nanobiotechnology (pdf)
PI: Barbara Baird
Cornell University
and Poster Exhibition in Rooms 370, 380 and 390
(Moderator: Mike Roco)
12:50pm International collaborations
Mark Suskin
1:00 pm National Nanofabrication User's Network (pdf)
Sandip Tiwari
Cornell University
1:30 pm Network for Computational Nanotechnology (pdf)
Mark Lundstrom
Purdue University
2:00 pm Discussion: Centers and Networks
Open Forum
2:30 pm Discussion: Education and Outreach
3:30 pm Discussion: New Directions
4:20 - 4:39 pm Meeting Summary, The
Conference Report
Posters will be presented in Room 370, 380 and 390
1) NSF Centers:
NSEC: Integrated Nanopatterning and Detection Technologies
Affiliation:Northwestern University
Presenter: Joseph Hupp
NSEC: Nanoscale Systems in Information Technologies
Affiliation: Cornell University
Presenter: Robert Buhrman
NSEC: Science of Nanoscale Systems and their Device Applications
Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
University of California, Santa Barbara and Museum of Science, Boston
Presenter: Robert Westervelt
NSEC: Electronic Transport in Molecular Nanostructures
Affiliation: Columbia University
Presenter: James Yardley
NSEC: Nanoscience in Biological and Environmental Engineering
Affiliation: Rice University
Presenter: Vicki Colvin
NSEC: Directed Assembly of Nanostructures
Affiliation: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Presenter: Richard Siegel
Affiliation: University of Virginia
Presenter: James F. Groves
Affiliation: Columbia University
Presenter: Rastislav Levicky
Affiliation: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Presenter: Chang-Beom Eom
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
Presenter: Dawn Bonnell
3231 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
Presenter: Dawn Bonnell
3231 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
MRSEC for Polymer Science and Engineering
Affiliation: University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Presenter: Todd Emrick
MRSEC for Quantum and Spin Phenomena in Nanomagnetic Structures
Affiliation: University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Presenter: Prof. Sy-Hwang Liou
Affiliation: MRSEC, Northwestern University
Presenter: Joseph Hupp
Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR)
Affiliation: Cornell University
Presenter: Helene Schember, Associate Director
625 Clark Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
The National Nanofabrication Users Network
Affiliation: Cornell University
Presenter: Sandip Tiwari, Director, NNUN and Professor of ECE
Affiliation: Purdue University (lead)
Presenter: Mark Lundstrom (Purdue University)
Research connecting Nanotechnology with Biology
Affiliation: NSF - STC Nanobiotechnology Center
Presenter: Barbara Baird (Cornell University), Director
Nanobiotechnology course: Fostering interdisciplinary solutions to design projects
Affiliation: NSF - STC Nanobiotechnology Center
Presenter: Barbara Baird (Cornell University), Director
2) Other University Centers
Affiliation: NASA-Ames Research Center
Presenter: Meyya Meyyappan
Contact: <>
NASA URETI for Nanolectronics and Computing (INAC)
Affiliation: Purdue University (lead)
Presenter: David Janes (Purdue University)
Contact: <>
California Nano Systems Institute (CNSI)
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles
Presenter: J. Fraser Stoddart, Acting Co-Director
3) Industry:
Affiliation: DuPont Central Research & Development
Presenters: K. Kontomaris, S. Lumsdon, L. Zhang and Q. Q. Zhao
Co-author: Spahr
Chemical and Biological Routes to Nanoelectronic Devices
Affiliation: DuPont Central Research & Development
Presenter: G.S. Blackman
Coauthors: Diner, French, Getty, Harmer, Hietpas, Huang, Jagota, Lustig, Mitchell, Onoa, Percec, Reynolds, Zheng
Experimental Station E323/110B ¥ Wilmington DE, 19880-0323
Affiliation: DuPont Haskell Lab
Presenter: David Warheit
New Tools for Nanoscale Science and Technology from VEECO Instruments
Affiliation: Digital Instruments/VEECO
Presenter: Michael Serry, Applications Scientist
Affiliation: Dow Corning New Ventures Science and Technology
Presenters: Dimi Katsoulis and Gregg Zank
Nanotechnology Research at General Electric (only handout)
Stein, Nanotechnology
AT Program, GE Global Research, 518-387-5080